Writing Samples and Projects
Browse through a collection of projects, discussions, presentations, case studies, and teamwork.
Created powerpoint presentaion on MRSA Epidemiology as part of the 2020 SOLID-GEM Global Environmental Microbiology Program.

Focused on central neural correlation of motor behavior that may be divided into pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways.
Recipient of scholarship; provided an essay by answering the prompt.
Provided patient education on health promotion and disease prevention in regards to Covid-19.
Exploring somatosensory pathways that play different roles in the central nervous system. Level of processing can be referred to as bottom up.
Group assignment in presenting Raynaud's Phenomenon: Case study.
Created asset recovery project based on sourcing and monetization (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
Using ArcGIS software, constructed and filtered out aggregate data into real-time data for visualizing data patterns.
Developed a story map of various contemporary commemorations and public locations in Dublin, Ireland by using archival data, geospatial technology, and social media platforms to explore and assess the relationship between history and historical narrative.